Posted by Devin Parker

I'm tired.

Granted, that may be in part because it's nearly three in the morning. I'm willing to place a fair amount of blame on that. Still, it's been a very long week, if you ask my brain. After all of the radio at work, and the Serious Discussions with Michael, Chris, Dan, Marilyn, and Christina, and the news reading, and the website-browsing for double-checking of facts and criticisms and ideas, and a slew of firings at work (I survived!), I'm bushed. My brain hurts, and all I want to do right now (aside from sleeping) is think of imaginary people having imaginary adventures in fantastic imaginary places. This real world stuff takes a lot out of me.

Anyway, now that we've started up the other website where we can discuss these things, I can leave that discussion there and use this space for more personal journal-keeping, which, unfortunately, will include paragraph-long whiny complaints like the one listed above. Sorry, that's the risk you take when reading this page.

How much longer until January? The months since we arrived in Minneapolis have been dragging on and on and on to the point that it feels as if I'm never actually going to get to start school, much less finish it before I die. I'm not sure how much I miss my home mountains right now; as I've said, Minneapolis has kind of grown on me. I certainly don't miss the smog. I miss my friends and family, of course, and I still dream about the forests in the mountains. Heck, I still dream about my parents' old house, the one I grew up in - it seems to be the default house whenever I dream.

I can't wait to start school. I want to draw. I mean, I am drawing, I have projects to work on right now, but I want to start on the education process and be an Art Student. I was looking at a website for a Christian teachers' organization (they offer prepaid legal services; I can't imagine why a Christian teacher would ever need such a thing) and it hit me: Oh, yeah - I was going to become an art teacher. It feels like something I was planning on doing after I die, right after I meet Jesus. "Enter into paradise; your class is already waiting."

Not that I think teaching will be paradise. I mean, I'm sure it will be great. It just seems like such a long way away... oh, look, never mind. I think I'd better go to bed. Hopefully next week will be shorter...but with longer mornings.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 at Saturday, November 22, 2003 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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