Posted by Devin Parker

This is rich. Be aware, though; those of you who wish to know absolutely nothing about Matrix Revolutions may want to wait before reading it. Still, it's very, very much worth reading.

Now, granted, poking holes in Harry Knowles's political rants is somewhat akin to...well, I'm having trouble coming up with a decent metaphor. What I mean is, Mr. Knowles's political philosophies are about as coherent and thoughtful as his web-design skills. The guy's like the Comic Book Guy from "The Simpsons" on crack cocaine laced with LSD. Still, his argument that world peace will be realized as soon as people stop believing in anything and kill all the Communists and Christians is simultaneously frightening and dumbfounding. Frightening only because someone could actually believe such a thing would be good, not because I suspect anyone on Earth will read what he says and say to themselves, "Yeah - hey, this Harry Knowles has made some good points..." Not without a hefty dose of illegal substances, anyway.

You have to read it* to believe he actually suggested such a thing. Reading it over myself, I kept getting the urge to send him an e-mail...but really. Is there a point?

*WARNING: Reading this website will actually damage your brain, no matter how geeky you think you are. No, seriously. I just took some ibuprofen and the pain still lingers.

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