Posted by Devin Parker

A few things to report, very quickly, as I have a ton of homework that I should really be doing instead of this.

First, I got a job working at Northwestern Bookstore in Minnetonka, so our financial issues are eased a bit, and I get a nice spiritual counterbalance to the art school through the week. Unfortunately, it means less time to get homework done, but I just need to organize and use my time more effectively.

Second, I'm on Orkut now. Great, another way to waste time online! Hooray!

Third, I'm really looking forward to my upcoming break and the end of the semester. School's great, and I'm learning quite a bit (though drawing seems harder now, since I have to consider so many things I never thought about before). I think I just need a little bit of time to breathe, though.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15, 2004 at Monday, March 15, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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