Posted by Devin Parker

The end of the week at last; just one more class for me to go this afternoon, and then I get to enjoy a weekend of comic books and, um, well, work. But still.

I'll be helping out at the Christian Comic Arts Society table with Carl Borg at the FallCon tomorrow. I'll be snapping some pictures for my Foundation Photo homework assignment, working on a little comic I'm throwing together for Megazeen, and hopefully meeting some old acquaintances/admired creators like Zander Cannon, Sam Hiti, and Michael Jantze. I'll also be trying to represent Christ to the comics world, which is always an unusual situation. I never know how people will react, but at San Diego, there were always a couple of scoffers, a couple of curious individuals, and plenty of people who were glad that there were such a thing as Christian-created comic books. Most often, these latter people were parents. In any case, it's kind of an evangelical situation, so I'd appreciate any prayers any of you would care to offer on our behalf. Scratch that: let me ask you instead to please pray for us.

Marilyn and I will be watching the Presidential Debate #2 tonight, which will make it the first one I watch on television exclusively (rather than listening on the radio, which I think is a more revealing medium for the debates - you don't have to put up with any of the "his hair looks funny, he looks tired, he looks angry" nonsense that the television media prefers to think important; you just focus on what they say).

If you plan on watching/listening, you might want to read up on the Duelfer Report, which the Democratic Party Propaganda Wing - er, the mainstream media - has been spinning as being proof of the absence of WMDs in Iraq, and thus exposing President Bush's naked evil desire to fight Saddam with no good reason. This essay on The Evangelical Outpost (and the following comments) illustrates why this is not what the Duelfer Report is claiming, and why the absence of physical WMDs in Iraq doesn't necessarily mean Saddam wasn't posing an WMD threat.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 at Friday, October 08, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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