Man, are the goths ticked off...I found out about this while poking around vampire-related websites, and, predictably, the goth crowd is ready to drop her like a hot crucifix: "Well, I never liked her, anyway."
Praise God!
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on Saturday, October 29, 2005
at Saturday, October 29, 2005
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Yeah, as far as the book project she's working on, I'm leery. Any book which purports to portray Jesus's life outside of what's reported in the Gospels is iffy territory, and drawing on apocryphal/extrabiblical accounts annoys me - there's good reason why they were never included in the Bible (being forgeries, historically inaccurate, etc.).
Having said that, I do have a book my grandmother lent me long ago which is set up as an interview with Jesus, and Ravi Zacharias has written books which portray conversations between Jesus and Buddha, and Jesus and Oscar Wilde, and all of them were quite well-done. Therefore, I know it can be done...
I'm just glad that she herself has come around.
12:57 PM
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