Marilyn here, filling in for Devin just this once. Okay, it was just quicker to post this on his blog as he was already signed in. Well, we promised you a list of characters for those of you joining us for the D&D session(s) we'll be hosting sometime next week. Can you believe it, next week already? Here are the characters we're setting up (just 2 left to go), keep in mind they will all be level five and have a couple of magic items (mostly armour and weapons) as would be reasonable for level 5:
1. Half-Elven Ranger
2. Half-Orc Fighter
3. Elven Druid
4. Human Rogue
5. Human Cleric
6. Halfling Bard
7. Human Wizard
8. Dwarf Paladin
We will be asking each player to determine their character's gender, personality details, appearance, and possibly a special ability detail.
I've worked up the stats and equipment and Devin will be providing background details and of course a name. I tried to get him to let me name the Halfling Bard Tatertot Flufferbutt, just because I want to make Michael address another player thusly; however, Devin just will not agree to it. Also, none of the characters will be evil but not all of them will be good either.
See you all soon! (Four more days!)
Answered prayers! My back isn't 100% yet but it's definitely better and is improving a little each day. Oddly enough it feels best when I go to work and stand up typing for about 3 hours. Praise God!
I still prefer the name 'Cooter Tootpooter' myself, but whatever.
You can put your request in right now, if any of these character types jumps out at you. I still plan to post more detailed info about the characters as soon as I can, so don't feel as if it's too urgent. These are fairly plastic, too, so if you change your mind you can always do so...unless someone else chooses one and refuses to let go.
So, there you go.
I would so totally play a chatacter named Tatertot Flufferbutt. :)
Are you calling the halfling, Laura?
That sounds like a challenge to me...
Well, I'll jump in.
I call the halfling bard, unless Laura wants it, in which case I'll take dibs on the half-orc fighter.
And any references to potato products or fluffy bottoms will be dealt with severely. Halflings have nasty little ways of getting back at people.
Oh, yes.
No one else willing to bite, eh?
Are we really going to see fuller character descriptions before you kids get out here?
Also, we still have to decide on a night, and the schedule is getting crowded in the run-up to Christmas. I propose either Sunday 12/18, Tuesday 12/20, or Wednesday 12/21 as the roleplaying date. What say you all? We need to arrange babysitting, avoid other conflicts, and the like, so the sooner we can settle on a date the better.
Thanks, all.
Character descriptions before we get out to California: No.
Meeting date: I believe we had discussed Tuesday night as being best, since it's early in the week and thus will allow us the chance to play again later in the week if we should so choose.
See you folks tomorrow!
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