Today's link comes from a guy who identifies himself as "Pathguy", a pathologist who is very much into D&D as well as philosophy and, apparently, some degree of programming. If you're familiar with the various published settings for D&D, you might not be surprised to learn that his favorite setting seems to be Planescape, a gameworld in which the concept of character alignment (basically, a character's code of ethics, belief structure, personal behavior, etc.) is an instrinsic, physical part of the world. Anyway, this particular link leads to a page with which you can generate a character for D20 Modern. He has a similar page where you can do the same with a D&D character (for many game worlds) or a D20 Star Wars character - just scroll down to the bottom of the form.
I discovered that the library near where I work has a nice selection of DVDs that one can borrow, and I've started on their "Sharpe's" series, a BBC miniseries starring Sean Bean, based on a series of novels about a group of riflemen fighting for Wellington against Napoleon's armies. I rented "Sharpe's Siege," which seemed to be the earliest story chronologically (at least in the library's possession), and while I expect to become immersed in a story, I was a little surprised to find myself actually inside of it:
Pity me. It wasn't a pleasant death.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, June 13, 2006
at Tuesday, June 13, 2006
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