Lots O' Projects  

Posted by Devin Parker

I've got a lot of stuff in my bin. But it's nice, because I only have four classes this semester instead of the usual five (thanks to the ol' internship), so I feel as though I have ample time to work on all of my projects for each class and put the time in on them that they deserve.

The down side is that it's still tough for me to really commit my attention to the correct "headspace" for each project (getting into the sci-fi mood for my Critical Studies comic, the Fantasy mood for my Animation project, and back-and-forth between the two for my Sci-Fi/Fantasy class projects). I'm still trying to get into the swing of my online Anatomy class, though that'll come, I'm sure.

I'm also excited about NaNoWriMo - the novel-in-a-month project that Michael S. did. I mentioned it to my Sci-Fi/Fantasy teacher, and she seemed interested in hearing about the experience when I was done. I have a very small handful of ideas that I might use, and I'm rarin' to go. I have to wait for another month before that starts, though. Probably just as well.

Now, if I could just improve my communications with God. Prayer, for some reason, is still something I have to remind myself that I need to do. I barely ever talk to God, and my life reflects it. At least, I assume it does; I certainly feel the effects. It's a problem of humility for me right now - I hate the guilty feelings I have for the things that I do which are screwed up and self-centered, but I let them drive me away from God instead of to His feet. I realize that I've fallen into that trap of thinking and reading and talking *about* God, but not talking *to* Him. I've got the same problem with the Bible right now, too. I have a small leather-bound copy of the Bible that I've taken to carrying in my coat pocket, which helps. Still, I read far more about the Bible than reading the Bible itself.

I need to remind myself that it's the most important thing I can be doing. Well, what I *need* to do is to talk to the Man. Without relationship, what can really be said of my faith? It's bad enough to know that I'm not really doing much of anything (faith without works and all that), but it's worse not to have either. Argh!

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 28, 2006 at Thursday, September 28, 2006 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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