We bought a Wii recently - well, I say "we" bought it, what I mean is Marilyn got it with a gift certificate she earned at work - and got Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Super Paper Mario and The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess to go with it. It's nice to have a game console that requires us to stand up and move around a bit when we play. I usually work up a little sweat whenever I play, which can only be a good thing for sedentary old me.
Anyway, I've been playing Wii Sports every now and again, and while I've been neglecting the Wii Fit, very soon I plan to start making it a regular part of my morning ritual. I had forgotten how much exercising makes me wake up in the morning and require less sleep at night. One of the things I learned that I hadn't previously known, however, is my Wii Fit Age. One of the things that the game figures out is what age you're functioning at, as opposed to your actual physical age. I guess you could say it's figuring your effective age rather than your literal age. In any case, it runs you through a series of tests to determine things like your balance, your reflexes, your stamina, and so on. Now, having been born in 1973, I'm 35 years old until April (yes, I do bitterly hang on to each year these days). But according to Wii Fit...
...I'm 43. Ouch.
Well, that was the first day's opinion. Today, after a bit of Baseball, Bowling, and Tennis, I took a new test within the Sports game and it told me I was now 39. But that doesn't take my weight into account like Wii Fit does.
But the Wii Fit board assures me that it's my good friend and will try to encourage me as I exercise. So that helps.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, February 04, 2009
at Wednesday, February 04, 2009
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