Posted by Devin Parker

Sometimes you spend a lot of time in prayer, asking for God to give you guidance. Like when my wife and I prayed and prayed and prayed about coming to Minneapolis. In these times, you may not get an immediate, apparent answer for many reasons; most often, I dare say it's because God is changing you.

Then, sometimes, God just up and drops something in your lap. Tonight was my turn.

One of my supervisors at work was talking with me about computer games and movies. He was talking about the movie "Solaris", and at one point he said that it presented some ideas regarding morality without God. I told him I didn't think such a thing was possible, that apart from God we really don't have any basis for morality aside from survival of the fittest and each man for himself.

This spawned a conversation about God, morality, the concept of social contract, and a number of other related subjects. At one point in the conversation, he brought up Islamic nations, and while trying to think of which Islamic country was the most liberal, I asked one of my co-workers, who I know is Muslim. This brought him into the conversation, and we talked about it for a good twenty minutes.

Eventually, Dan (my supervisor) reminded us that we should probably go back to work...but Dan and Rasheed (my co-worker) both expressed genuine interest and enthusiasm about continuing the conversation. Heck, I was enjoying it quite a bit, myself.

So, in the space of an hour, God dropped a huge, obvious, neon-lit opportunity in my lap to speak to these two men about Jesus. I'm ecstatic, honored to be entrusted with the situation...and, of course, a little nervous about being up to the task. The thing was, it was such a pleasant conversation! I felt pretty relaxed... The thing I've been reminding myself of is that it's all about God giving me the words, speaking through me, as He promised He would. I just need to be a worthy vessel, keeping close to Him. Time for some prayer, Bible study, prayer, reading up on apologetics, prayer...

So, you know, if you've got any extra time in your prayer schedule, folks, I could use some mention. Especially pray for Dan and Rasheed's hearts to be opened to God!

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 01, 2003 at Saturday, November 01, 2003 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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