Tonight, I'm making a brief blog posting because Michael Slusser hasn't made one in the past few days. He says he's been sick, and I suppose I have no reason to disbelieve him. Still, I thought I'd make a posting just to make him feel that much guiltier. That's just the way our friendship works.
I'm trying to finish my eight-page Rome comic, the comic that seems to have taken the entire semester to create. It feels as though I've been working on it for months. Perhaps I have? I think I've lost track of time. In any case, Vincent graded it on Wednesday, and it got me an 'A'. I'm rather pleased about that. Having said that, I only finished it in time for grading in the strictest sense of the word - the last two pages had only minimal inking, and I left out the final page, which resulted in a rather abrupt yet still conclusive ending. Now, however, I'm finishing the inks, creating the final page, and making the cover. It needs to be finished-finished before the 28th of this month, when our school will hold its very first Mini-Con. I've already had a handful of people tell me that they would be buying a copy of my comic, which is encouraging.
The project that is now before me is...a mini-comic. It should be easier than the last project; despite the fact that it has to be at least eight pages (or otherwise multiples of eight), the pages in this case won't need as many panels. I promised myself that my next comic after the Roman one would be all action and no dialogue; as Vincent pointed out, I tried to cram what should be about a forty page story into eight pages, so the end result was a rather dense story with a lot of talking heads. However, I find that I'm a bit stumped for material this time around.
Have I already talked about all of this here? It sounds rather familiar.
Anyway, I need a simple story. Part of me continues to insist that it should also be set in Rome, so as to be in keeping with the theme of my table at the Mini-Con (I intend to sell both books at the con). On the other hand, it would be fun to do something entirely different.
Urgh. I'll come up with something - I have to. I need something solid by Wednesday to start working on.
This entry was posted
on Monday, November 14, 2005
at Monday, November 14, 2005
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