General Mills wants me to be an enabler.
I sat down this morning to have a bowl of cereal - Honey Nut Cheerios, if you must know - and I was delighted to find that there is a Narnia promotion on the back of the box for me to look at. It's got one of those mazes on the back that you're supposed to help one of the characters navigate. However, the stated goal is "Help Edmund through the Castle to find some Turkish Delight."
Are there other boxes out there that have "Help Edmund to betray his siblings to the White Witch" or "Help Maugrim to find that traitor Mr. Tumnus" or possibly "Help the White Witch to strategically shave Aslan"?
This entry was posted
on Friday, November 11, 2005
at Friday, November 11, 2005
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We consumed mass quantities of Turkish Delight when we were in Turkey - mostly because it was the only vaguely sweet thing available. While I agree that its Turkish, I think that the "Delight" part of its name is giving it a lot of leeway...
2:03 PM
I like the stuff, myself. I always have, too, though I didn't know the proper name for it until recently. When my father read the Narnia books to us as kids, for some reason I thought Turkish Delight was some kind of meat. Thus I found it odd that Edmund would be so obsessed with it.
Beth, now that you have them hooked, you're supposed to have them doing your dirty work if they want any more. And I think you'll need a dwarf.
9:25 AM
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