"No, Dick, you can't cast 'Magic Missile' at the darkness."
Nothing much to report right now. I begin classes next week, and I'm a little apprehensive, since this is my last semester before we move into Unknown Territory (in Los Angeles). Marilyn and I are hooked on another Sims game we're renting from Blockbuster (The Sims 2: Pets for PS2). We've had rain all weekend, which was really nice at first. It cooled down enough that I needed to wear jeans, there was thunder and almost constant rain. I enjoyed it; I know Mr. Slusser would have absolutely loved it. Now it's warmed up again and stopped raining, so it's just blah and I'm ready to have my sunshine back. Oh, and someone else in Minneapolis has rented up all of the "Battlestar Galactica" DVDs so we can't finish Season 2.5 yet. We've only got one disc left!
That is all.
Well, let's just hope I'm good, then.
Thanks - now that we're looking at the reality of moving coming up on us in a few short months, I'm beginning to notice all of the things I'm really going to miss about Minneapolis. I'll miss the greenery, the comics and games stores, the comics community, and our apartment complex, for starters. And, of course, though we haven't made too many friends out here (hermit-like as Marilyn and I am), I'll miss those friends we have made.
I wish we'd gotten the chance to see you more often.
ROFLMAO! Love the caption, man! :o)
Stuck between BSG 2.0 and 2.5, huh? Ouch!! That means you're smack in the middle of the Pegasus arc with no resolution until the insensitive person hogging the dvds returns them...
Or I guess I could just save you some time, tell you that Admiral Caine turns out to be Tigh's cousin from his uncle's one night stand with a cylon centurion (no wonder she's so bitter and angry!), has a torrid love affair with Apollo after she is rejected by Adama the Elder, and then the Gena version of Number Six joins a convent started by Dualla after she learns of Apollo and Caine's affair. The whole part about Baltar wearing women's clothing seems gratuitous and quite unnecessary to the whole plot arc, but at any rate it's good for a few laughs. And seriously, when is Chief going to let go of his whole Sharon obsession and admit that all he has ever needed to complete his life is to become a karoake singer at the officer's club? Like Tyllium through the refinery, so are the days of our fleet....
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