I sketched these at the hotel in ink, so I apologize for the errors and odd placement of things. It was a great convention, and very good for me. I didn't get anyone offering me any contracts, but I got the next best thing: positive reactions to my portfolio, requests for more, and the possibility of future projects. Relationships are how this industry is built, or so I'm told.
Another highlight:
The Elevator of Celebrity. I was heading out to dinner with writer Ben Avery. The first time we waited for the elevator to arrive, Lou Ferrigno stepped out. One of the guys who were there waiting yelled, "Lou Ferrigno!" He grinned and said, "Why don't you say that a little louder, guys?" The next time we walked aboard, Michael Madsen ("Reservoir Dogs") and his wife (?) were there. He said he had been wondering whether that theory about jumping at the last moment before the elevator crashes would work. Fortunately, we didn't have to test it, but there was a lot of fanboy weight in there.
you didnt tell me that!
oh, and incedentaly the best show in the world, mythbusters, proved the elevator thing would not work.
but you know Ill still try it if it happens.
Hee! I love the little sketches - very fun.
(Admittedly, I also love 'The Devil's Panties'. *grin*)
Yep. You should get a hot chick. Bring Marilyn next time and have her dress in 'geek chic'. :)
This is a new style for you. When did your sketches get pointy noses?
That said, these are a lot of fun. I'm glad to see some Devin art again.
(It was hard not to write "Deviant art" there.)
Michael - When I remembered that I have a pointy nose. It was long ago pointed out to me that my old style of sketches look nothing like me. Everyone in the CCAS, upon meeting me in person, said they thought I was going to be a skinny guy with light colored hair and a pug nose.
Laura - I've been trying, trust me. As it happens, I met the artist who does "The Devil's Panties" when I saw her walk past Pat's table and I noticed how cool her boots were. I asked her for a cellphone picture because I wanted to show them to Marilyn, whom I've been trying to get to buy some boots for a long time. Thus far, it's been to no avail, but I haven't given up yet.
Hee! If you email me her shoe size, we could send her some cool boots for Christmas. ;)
these are fabulous!
Of course, there are these or these.
Crap, now I want to go shoe shopping. ;)
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