From the Vatican's Secret Library  

Posted by Devin Parker

Pat directed me to the amusing results of a Google search - a website called Pyromaniacs. Specifically, the entry for August 2 titled "Book Titles For Which I'm Still Waiting," which is basically a list of highly-unlikely publications to get chuckles out of Christian subculture geeks. I found that, in responding to Pat, I couldn't help but come up with a few of my own:

"A Generous Orthodoxy", a Jack Chick tract

Before Moses Was, I AM: An Examination of the Exclusive, Specific, and Divine Claims of Christ, by John Shelby Spong (expounding on his essay "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord")

The Least of These: A Biography of Mother Theresa, by Benny Hinn

The Facts on Fundamentalism
, by John Ankerberg

Occam's Razor, the new thriller by Dan Brown

Creator of the Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

"Urban Blight" and "The Persecution of the Martyrs #46", paintings by Thomas Kincade

Desperately Wicked, by John Eldridge (oh, wait - someone already did that in the comments section...)

"God's Got All The Best Music: An In-Depth Look at Johnny Cash, U2, and Others"
"The Life and Music of Keith Green"
"Dancing Like David Danced"
"Salvation Army Drinking Songs: The True Origins of Your Favorite Hymns"
- Essays at

"Not In My Name: The Top 10 Most Notorious Televangelists", cover article in Charisma Magazine

There But For Grace Go I by Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptists

Six Ways From Sunday: Setting Your Own Sabbath, by Alastair Begg

Emergent Faith: Moving Hearts With Experiential Christianity by John MacArthur

Building Our Church: A Year With Habitat For Humanity by Mac Hammond

Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing: Protecting Your Children From Harry Potter, D&D, and Pagan Influence in Fantasy by C. S. Lewis

I haven't had the opportunity to look over the entire website yet, so I can't specifically vouch for it, but so far it looks pretty good. Besides, how can you dislike a site which regularly comes up with graphics like this?

Okay, back to work on my own new graphic novel, Log In My Eye.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 10, 2007 at Monday, September 10, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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5:57 PM

Hilarious entries! You should work for that website. You may be too esoteric for us commoners, but thank you for sharing that website. I looked up some of your authors and appreciate feeling smarter. BTW I'm still waiting for:

No Alliterations Whatsoever by Max Lucado

Prison Sucked by Charles Colson


Get Over It Sissy! by Cloud and Townsend

6:01 PM

Get Over It, Sissy! *Giggle, snort*...

9:09 AM

Funny stuff, you should submit some to the sites comments page.

So here's my attempt! And since I am not that well read, I took the liberty of making them at your expense, naturally!

"The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven; Draw Comic Books."
by Devin Parker.

"Devin Totaly Dominates Me On Far Cry Instincts. Hes Really Very Good."
By Patrick Gleason

And last but not least...

"The Lost Art of Punctuality; And How To Utilize Its Fancy Secrets." by Devin Parker (forward by Patrick Gleason)

...I kid because I love.

1:14 AM

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