Madeleine l'Engle, one of the fantasy greats, author of many books including A Wrinkle in Time, and sister (aunt?) in Christ, has gone on before us to be in her Lord's presence.
While I'm sad to hear that another dreamer's voice will no longer be heard in this world, I rejoice to know that she will never again know anguish or suffering, that even now she basks in the joyous, eternal light of her Creator, undimmed and unseparated by any wrinkle.
I look forward to meeting her some day.
Madeleine L'Engle has been my favorite writer for years. I was so glad to see your post in tribute to her, Devin. I rejoice that she is now in the loving arms of Jesus, but selfishly I will miss being able to hear new thoughts from her... she was such a prolific writer. My appreciation for her deepened shortly after my dad died when I read Two-Part Invention, which she wrote after her husband passed away. I gained so much, and still do, from hearing her perspective on faith and family, science, etc. She was truly an inspiration.
"I can't wait to meet her!"
Isn't that an amazing thing to have reason to hope for? It's so counter-intuitive. But it seems to me that much of the joy of Heaven will be the opportunity to be amongst these brothers and sisters we've never had the chance to meet in this life - and, even better, to be able to do so without the selfish desires and antisocial behaviors we've developed out of sin.
Madeleine L'Engle has been my favorite writer for years.
I regret to say that I've only read one or two of her books, but I've been aware of the existence of many more (including a stage play, of all things). She's been on my "must read" list for a long time. I hope that after school I'll have the time to catch up.
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