A Comic To Honor 24 Hour Comics Day  

Posted by Devin Parker

Hello. I've been working on homework today since 3 AM, and I'll be spending the rest of the day working on homework, too!

Marilyn has been cleaning and packing for our move. As she went through the bookshelf, she knocked one of my many notepads on the floor. I opened it and rediscovered a little comic I made. Here it is for your perusal.

Today is 24 Hour Comics Day. Everyone at MCAD and at Big Time Attic and a bunch of other places around the Twin Cities are now a few hours into their comics. Sadly, I won't be joining them this time around - too much homework. But a lot of my homework are comics, so I feel like I'm participating in spirit. Maybe next year I'll find someone to do it with in Los Angeles?

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at Saturday, October 20, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Oh, hey - since it's 24 Comic Challenge Day and all, if you want to see another comic that's almost as funny and well-drawn as mine, check out the following website:


...And choose "Sugarshock 3: The Greatest Story Ever Blogged" by Joss Whedon and Fabio Moon. You'll be more entertained by this Fabio than any Fabio who's ever tried to entertain you before.

1:59 PM

Hee—that comic made me laugh more than it really should have.

Now, if you could only upload the original movie of Mr. Dude, and the "Mr. Silly Speaks Spainyish" comic, we'd have the trifecta of odd minimalist drawn humor.

11:23 PM

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