This weekend I went to the last FallCon that I'm going to be able to attend for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, the weather was just about the worst kind of weather one could expect - it rained quite a bit on Friday night, so Saturday was hot and humid - hardly the ideal for a paper-based medium. Inside the convention hall, it was worse, because the ventilation was poor. I was blessed enough to get a corner table not far from the front doors, but it was still sweltering even there. I could almost see the air wavering in front of me. Today wasn't much better; the 15-degree drop in temperature we'd been expecting failed to materialize, so I only stuck around until about 1 PM before packing it up.
Having said that, the guys who run FallCon are the best; it's fairly small, but these guys really care about the industry and they take care of their guests. Additionally, I got to share a table with Joseph Brudlow, the artist on the webcomic Alpha-Shade. He and his wife were very kind and we had some good conversations. Joseph himself really helped me out, as I explained on my webcomic (page 3 of which is now up). So the experience was definitely worthwhile.
Anyway, I just wanted to mention that, so you wouldn't assume that my life at present is nothing but homework, homework, homework. It's actually homework, homework, homework and the occasional comics convention.
Speaking of which, I want to talk about Schoolgirls and Mobile Suits, the anime/manga weekend-long 1-credit class I attended, but I've got three pages of a Captain America script I have to finish rough pencils on before midnight, so it'll have to wait.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, October 07, 2007
at Sunday, October 07, 2007
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