
Posted by Devin Parker

For your Sunday consideration, open your hymnals to...

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

I think this must be the flip side of the "Bush=Hitler" meme.

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 09, 2008 at Sunday, November 09, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


You guys are kind of getting yourselves worked up these days, aren't you?

On a separate note, I much like the new look of the blog.

11:58 PM

Well, I admit I find the deification of our leadership to be a little troubling.

There were one or two other designs I liked, but they would have required me to get WordPress, and I don't feel like putting that much effort into it. I think this one will still take some getting used to, though. I don't love it, but I like it, and the old one was getting pretty stale.

12:22 AM

Looks nice. Kinda cozy in a Starbuck-ish way. Can you get me a venti half-can Americano with room? And why does Starbucks make everything so hard? Why is a large a "venti" and why can't they call a croissant a bun?

4:13 PM

I just saw one of these on a car the other day and it made me think of you: http://bumperstickers.cafepress.com/item/already-have-a-messiah-sticker-bumper-10-pk/300800212

12:50 PM

Here it is as a link; I didn't think before posting the last one...

12:51 PM

Excellent! I'd get one, but I'd feel like I was behind the times...

I agree with the Starbuck's issue, Beth. Theirs' is a pidgin language, Fritalian. I think they just wanted a way for average people to feel worldly and European when ordering their burnt coffee.

5:36 PM

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