I don't want to shovel manure any more.
But I would really like a long nap.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, April 18, 2007
at Wednesday, April 18, 2007
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You mean that the donut and Dr. Pepper I had for breakfast this morning didn't want what's best for me? They told me they'd be my best friends, my only friends, in fact... Hmmm.
Ach, it's true. I've learned that apples are better at waking me up than the other garbage, but my reason fails me more often than usual these days. And I didn't have a surplus of reason to begin with.
As I mentioned to Kathie, prayer has been an almost non-existent thing in my life for too long, so I'm pretty sure that's adding to the despair effect. Having said that, I have prayed since I spoke to Kathie, and then I had my little episode afterward.
5:18 PM
Donut and Dr. Pepper?!?!?? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
9:40 PM
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